Monday, January 28, 2008

It is not Personal Anymore.

It is unrealistic to expect individual nations to make, independently, the sacrifices necessary to conserve energy. International leadership and worldwide cooperation are essential if we expect to protect the world’s energy resources for future generations.


            There have been a lot of talk about the two fastest growing economies of world, India and China, are playing as major contributors in gulping natural resources. This issue is controversial one, on one hand the country like India which is underdeveloped and power hungry can not sacrifice its much needed growth. On the other hand, a danger of going out of natural stock is looming over the world. Preservation of natural resources is not possible by contribution by individual nation. It is unrealistic to expect from poor nations to sacrifice their needs of energy without any support from developed nations.


            The need to conserve energy is a global issue and it will take a worldwide participation to achieve the cause. Underdeveloped countries like India, Malaysia, Kenya and others not only energy starved, but they don’t have necessary technology to get the alternative sources for energy. It is not completely true that developing nations for their aspiration to become powerful are playing selfish. In recent events India’s demand for civilian nuclear technology shows its motive to get the environment friendly energy source. Developed countries like America and China should support the developing nations to come up with alternate energy sources by sharing the new technologies.


            Other harrowing problem that is now distressing globe is global warming. With an increase in industrialization and global population the emission of green house gases is increasing. Further, the pollution and global warming effects does not affect any single country. Recently scientists alerted nation that ice at Antarctica is melting at a fast rate and that as an aftereffect adding to the rise of sea water level. There are many islands which are on verge of extinction. These alarming facts clearly indicate that now the worldwide cooperation is needed to fight back with global warming and pollution. The nations around the world have to come up with the solutions to this problem by cooperating and sharing knowledge.


            Clearly, it is not personal anymore. Countries can not just point any nation and ask him to stop using energy resources. Before giving any instruction powerful nations have to support the others in every possible way. They can not just push the already energy hungry nations to stop production and starved to death. It is a new flat world, but the world is flat not only for business but also for other concerns like global warming, disparity, population, and draining resources.


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Nitin Guru


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